I realize that hawking NFP
(Natural Family Planning) here on a Catholic homeschool blog is a bit
like preaching to the proverbial choir, but you never know who's out there who might read this....
A friend asked me to write the following brief article (brief? from me!? ha!) a few years ago about our successful use of NFP, and I felt called to repost it to share. Some people's mission in life is not to have children, because God has chosen another purpose for them to exemplify His greater glory. But, if you or someone you know and love is despairing of having any or more children, yet feel certain that it is God's Will for you, don't give up! Believe!
"For nothing is impossible with God!" (Luke 1:37)
A friend asked me to write the following brief article (brief? from me!? ha!) a few years ago about our successful use of NFP, and I felt called to repost it to share. Some people's mission in life is not to have children, because God has chosen another purpose for them to exemplify His greater glory. But, if you or someone you know and love is despairing of having any or more children, yet feel certain that it is God's Will for you, don't give up! Believe!
"For nothing is impossible with God!" (Luke 1:37)
Now do you see why Luke is my favorite gospel!?
Please be assured of my prayers for any of you who are searching for His Divine Will and purpose in this regard. And remember, especially during this 40 Days For Life, that adoption is an option, too!
Please be assured of my prayers for any of you who are searching for His Divine Will and purpose in this regard. And remember, especially during this 40 Days For Life, that adoption is an option, too!
“Infertility.” The diagnosis is a death knell to someone who
wants a large family. The fact that it
is even a “diagnosis” (like terminal cancer or emphysema) is intimidating enough. But, infertility also seemingly robs one’s
future of the dream of a family, children, grandchildren.
It is a rough pill to
I swallowed a lot of pills
after being diagnosed with infertility.
First came the vitamins and “natural” remedies. Then came endless rounds of pharmeceutical
drugs. Finally, one day, I had
enough of being an overdosed infertility lab rat. There were plenty of children already in the
world, I thought. Let’s start buying
them up!
And we did. We adopted a beautiful baby boy from Ukraine. Two years later, after eleven years of
marriage, we began paperwork for a second adoption. But instead, the Lord surprised us: I became pregnant with our daughter.
“Pregnancy” had been deleted
from my mental and emotional radar screen.
But now.... If it could happen
once, maybe it could happen again!
Surprisingly, although raised
Catholic, I never considered Natural Family Planning (NFP) to conceive. I assumed it was a way to avoid
conception, and not a very successful one at that – The Rhythm Method, my
mother called it disparagingly. “You
don’t know how many rhythm babies there are out there!” she snapped.
Thankfully, a dear friend
stepped in and gave me accurate advice.
And a gift – a set of NFP study materials, with the command to use
them. Following NFP, it took only one
cycle for us to hit the jackpot. Nine
months later, our third child was born.
For nothing shall be
impossible with God.
As faithful Catholics, my
husband and I were at peace using NFP, because it honors the fullness of the
marriage covenant between a husband and wife, yet allows them to delay or
attain pregnancy. NFP’s only drawback is
poor or inaccurate P.R. If other obstacles
to pregnancy have been ruled out for you, get an NFP counselor, get the
materials -- and believe!
the barren woman, if she be blameless.
Better to have no children, yet to have virtue. It holds triumph through eternity, having
emerged the victor.” (from Wisdom 3:13,
children are a gift of the Lord.” (Psalm 127:3)