going to be an amazing year! Not perfect, not horrid, but amazing.
Please always feel welcome to call or e-mail me for help, laughs, and
commiserating. And when you need a good giggle, watch this video (another theme song!) by Tim Hawkins:
be intimidated -- he really only has four kids.) After the video,
there are LOTS of clips of his comedy. He is clean and funny, so you
and the children can watch together.
Other responsibilities this summer have made my blogging an infrequent luxury, but here is a homeschool activity that is too good not to share with your early readers!
This one, called "Wake Up the Sheep," is my favorite. We added our OWN words relevant to the Bible story of the Good Shepherd
(John 10). We read the story aloud (either from the Bible or from the
USCCB's website at,
printed pages four (4) and five (5) of our CUSTOMIZED sheep back-to-back on the same piece of paper, and then
played the game. Our custom words were as follows:
Father flock gate gatekeeper good life Jesus sheep sheepfold shepherd stranger wolf
This was a simple, fun, summer activity for our little ones, and the older proficient readers enjoyed "teaching" it to them! I hope your family has fun with this Bible-based activity, too. Then, as an added bonus, click on over to to enjoy a remarkable collection of images of old holy cards of the Good Shepherd and choose your favorite! Mine are shown here.