Do you know what the colors of the Irish flag represent? The green represents the Catholics, the orange the Protestants, and the white the hoped-for peace between them.
(....I know. Keep praying!)
Today, however, good St. Joseph is not to be ignored. For all you Italians out there -- or just you humble daughters of the foster father of our Lord -- here are some crafty ideas for celebrating this important feast day from Catholic Icing.
Additionally, here is a really lovely, simple, paper "St. Joseph's Altar", courtesy of Evann Duplantier, for your family to construct. Evann also has a lovely page full of menu choices, where you may enjoy everything from inspirational photos of other St. Joseph's Day altars to a super easy (and yummy!) edible craft.
Oh? You've never heard of a St. Joseph's Day altar? Oh, my dear, do let me tell you!
St. Joseph's Altars may be as humble or elaborate as you like, but I encourage you to enjoy this lively Italian tradition in your home. From red wine to seafood to donuts, it's worth consecrating your edibles to the man who was the Provider for the Holy Family.
Our parish deacon reminded us one Christmas that, although St. Joseph figures prominently in Jesus's early life in the Bible, St. Joseph never says a word. Not one syllable. How many of us could be counted upon to hear the Lord, follow His instructions, trust in His ways, and serve Him as He wishes, without ever saying a word?
Not me.
Yet St. Joseph gives us all the perfect example of "silent strength." If you want to raise up a mentor for your spouse, a hero for your sons, a good example for your fathers, or a model husband for your daughters, "it ad Joseph." Go To Joseph!
And that's an order straight from the top:
"St. Pope John XXIII, who succeeded Pius XII in 1958, added some new feasts and made some other changes to the liturgical calendar, as well as amending some of the rubrics. In his 1962 edition of the Missal, he also deleted the word 'perfidis' (Latin: 'faithless') from the Good Friday prayer for the Jews, and added the name of St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass. The second change was particularly significant, as many had considered the text of the Canon to be practically untouchable." (underlined emphasis added)
Prior to Vatican II, Eucharistic Prayer I was the only Canon used by the Church. And it hadn't been touched for over 1,000 years.
Tales by the camp fire from that Council have it that an elderly priest originally made the humble suggestion to add St. Joseph to the Mass. He was scoffed at by Vatican hierarchy, only to be vindicated when Pope John XXIII approved the addition the very next day.
It Ad Joseph! Enjoy!