“Brush your teeth,” I tell my
kids every night. And why wouldn’t
they? Everyone knows brushing your teeth
wipes away the detritus left in your mouth after a full day of eating and living. Whether healthy or hedonistic, your daily culinary
activities inevitably leave dirt, film, or some other undesirable gunk on your
teeth. Plaque buildup, dentists call it. We all want to show others a brilliant smile,
so we clean our teeth regularly. It won’t
make your teeth perfect, and you’re going to have to brush them again
tomorrow. But, for now, it expunges the
day’s dirt and makes them shine.
Well, going to sacramental confession is a bit like that. You go to confession to wipe away the sins that have accumulated since the last time you went, whether that was 40 days ago or 40 years ago. It won't make you perfect and you're going to have to go again in your lifetime. But, for now, *poof!* your soul has a brilliant shine! Pure as the day you were born! All your sins are forgiven. Really!
Sure, you have to do some
penance for the temporal punishment due to sin, but you also have to spit after
you brush your teeth, to get rid of all that gunk you just scrubbed off, don’t
you? And you have to rinse out your
toothbrush and wipe up the sink a bit.
No one is embarrassed by that sort of clean up. In fact, in my house, that kind of tidiness
is downright praiseworthy!
So seriously, regarding
confession, why are you embarrassed? Why
don’t you go? Who’s going to know? I mean, when was the last time – in all of
known recorded human history – that you heard of a priest running outside the
church to put up a hand-lettered sandwich-board sign listing all the sins
someone just told him within the confines of the sacred seal of the
confessional? He can’t. Not, “He won’t.” He can’t. The solemn seal of the confessional is
sacred, and the priest is forbidden to share anything you might reveal, no
matter how mundane or incriminating.
Not anything.
And believe me, if you are a
student of history with even half an imagination, it doesn’t take much to dream
up some of the colorful offences many historical figures might need to have
confessed. I don’t want to name any
names, but…..
No, never mind. Let’s not add “gossip” to my own lengthening
Fortunately for most of us,
there’s virtually nothing we can say in confession that genuinely would shock a
priest. Do you think he’s never heard
sins like yours before now? And if he
has – say, from you the last ten
times you were there – so what? You have
to brush your teeth again every day because you engage in a fairly steady daily
diet, right? Well, so too are your other
living habits. Fairly steady. Same stuff, different day.
This, I think, is the other
side of confession: Am I too
boring? Do I have enough good
material? I mean, really, does Father
want to hear for the forty-eleventh time that I yelled at the kids, took the
Lord’s name in vain twice, gossiped inappropriately, and didn’t listen to my
mother? Well, I have it straight from
the proverbial horse’s mouth that a priest would be appalled if every time you
went into confession you came up with new and exotic sins to confess. Just what sort of unstable eccentric life
would you be living then!?
People brush their teeth
every day to rid themselves of the normal accumulated filth that is detrimental
to their oral health and inhibits their ability to share a sparkling
smile. We're all very attentive to the needs of our
teeth. So why wouldn’t you take such good care of your soul? After all, ultimately, your teeth just will
be used for identification purposes when you’re dead. Your soul will live forever. And do you know precisely where your soul is going to live
forever? If you’re like me, you want
penthouse accommodations, but more realistically will be enormously grateful
if you even can slip in the back door to Purgatory, because then you’re only going up from there!
Remember who made you? God made you.
Why did God make you? God made
you to know, love, and serve Him in this world and be happy with Him forever in
the next.
So go to the Divine Dentist,
visit the Divine Physician. Let him
clean your soul. Let him make your soul
sparkle and shine like new, so that you are fit to reside in His
presence for all eternity!
Don’t let pride prevent you from lasting peace. Don’t let the devil make you think that your sins are so uniquely profound or insignificantly mundane that the priest is going to laugh you out of the confessional and then run to post them on Facebook. This is a sacrament, not social networking. What do you think the priest actually is going to say, “Weeeeell, I don’t know. Is that your final answer? Let me think about that absolution thing.” Of course not!
Don’t let pride prevent you from lasting peace. Don’t let the devil make you think that your sins are so uniquely profound or insignificantly mundane that the priest is going to laugh you out of the confessional and then run to post them on Facebook. This is a sacrament, not social networking. What do you think the priest actually is going to say, “Weeeeell, I don’t know. Is that your final answer? Let me think about that absolution thing.” Of course not!
With a good confession, true contrition for your
sins, and a firm purpose of amendment, you will hear some of the most beautiful
words in the English language:
“God, the
father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son, has
reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the
forgiveness of sins through the ministry of the church. May God give you pardon
and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Please, go to
confession. Hurry. Don’t wait.
Because Our Lord is waiting for you. An outpouring of grace and mercy awaits you.
And while you’re on your way
to confession, please, forward this post to someone you love, maybe someone who
might not have been to confession in a while.
That way, years from now, you can smile at each other in heaven!
BONUS POINTS: I found absolution in Latin!
Deus, Pater misericordiarum,
qui per mortem et resurrectionem Fílii sui
mundum sibi reconciliavit
et Spiritum Sanctum effudit
in remissionem peccatorum,
per ministerium Ecclesiae
tibi tribuat
et pacem...
Et ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.