June 28, 2012

Pray the Rosary During Fortnight for Freedom!

My dear friend, Kathy, sent me this eminently wise request to PRAY THE ROSARY during the Fortnight for Freedom, which I humbly and gladly share here with you:

"During this Fortnight for Freedom, let us ask the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, Patroness of the Americas, to help us in our quest to preserve religious freedom in the USA.  The Catholic population of the USA is estimated at 70 million.  Maybe by each of us passing this on to our friends, we could get 10% of the Catholic population, or 7 million people, to pray the rosary for religious freedom.

"At the end of World War II, Soviet troops had moved in to Austria from the east.  The people of Vienna got 10% of the population to pray the rosary.  Austria is the only country that the Soviets left voluntarily.

"Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!"

Please join me in PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR FREEDOM during the Fortnight for Freedom!  God already has blessed America.  Let us appeal to His holy mother to remain humbly grateful for His immense blessing of freedom!

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